Discover the Gifts You Already Possess
This deep dive session in the Akashic Records helps you understand your unique soul blueprint, your soul gifts, and your lessons. Your purpose isn't a job, it comes from your soul. If you want to live larger, express yourself more authentically, create and attract more abundance, you'll learn what's possible and find out what's been blocking your fullest expression. We'll map out your gifts; amplify your mastery; and clear the blocks that have been holding you back.
A Soul Realignment Gets to the Root of Your Deepest Wounds
Harsh self-critic
Empathic Overload
Creative Flow
These are some of the most common areas of struggle for creative souls. There are energetic patterns, imprints, and karmic blocks underneath these struggles. When you start clearing the energies from within, this gets to the root system deep below the fears and struggle. You change your energetic default mode, your subconscious mind gets on board, your body aligns, and things start changing in your outer world. You also deepen your understanding of yourself and where these patterns started. A Soul Realignment opens the door for clarity and purpose. It also deepens compassion for the amazing journey you're on and all you've been through to gain the valuable wisdom and gifts you possess.
Book Your Session!What's Included in your Soul Realignment Experience:

Discover Your Soul Gifts
We'll unpack your Divine Soul Blueprint so you can learn about your primary areas of Gifts, Mastery, and Wisdom. Learn about your intuitive gifts, your connection to your Highest Self & your Star Seed Origin. You'll also learn about the patterns that are supporting you and areas where you can align your energy for better manifesting and results.

Life Lesson Guidance
We'll unpack your primary Life Lesson and take a look at any other themes that weave together with it. You'll learn about areas your soul is mastering in this lifetime. Having clarity about what you're in the process of learning gives you a framework and a map to your best creative choices. We'll talk about the journey you're on, where you're running into challenges and how you can retrieve your creative energy to shift into more empowerment.

Clear & Heal Core Wounds
We'll uncover your soul's history in the Akashic Records & clear out the energetic baggage that's been holding you back. This clearing gets to the root of why you keep experiencing the same roadblocks, fears and challenges. What's been filtering your awareness of your gifts and keeping you stuck? We'll find out!

Customized Homework
We'll meet via Zoom and your session will be recorded. I recommend getting in a quiet space where you can relax and take in the experience. We'll stop for a break if needed. This is sacred time for you. After the session you'll receive a prayer process customized around your clearing to help you recalibrate and anchor in all the energetic shifts.

Soul Realignment is Ideal for You if...
You want to know your gifts and get clarity about your purpose.
You're an empath and want to understand how this works energetically and get more empowered in your gifts.
You're a creative soul and want to gather all your creative energy and amp up your creative current.
You've been stuck in a significant way and really want to break through and make some changes.
You'd love to have some insight, compassion and deeper understanding for yourself as well as the people you're in relationship with.
You want to build more strength and courage within yourself and take a look at things that haven't been serving you.
You want to have more energy, flow, and creativity.
You want to open up your flow of abundance and do the inner work to align with your resources.
You want to reset, clear out the old stuck energies, and get inspired.
Book Your Private Session
Soul Realignment
This two hour 1:1 session reveals the most important things you can learn about your soul. It also includes deep energetic clearing of karmic imprints. After signing up, you'll get a link to my calendar where you can fill out a little information and book your session. I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Jennifer Currie
is an Artist, Soul Purpose Coach and Intuitive Healer. After experiencing the loss of her husband in her 20's, she went on a journey to heal grief and create a joyful life in spite of this tragedy. She has spent 2 decades exploring her creativity along with ways to channel those gifts into an abundant and beautiful life. She has studied with spiritual mentors, business coaches, artists, and also has an M.A. in Art History.
She combines her intuitive gifts with practical coaching to help soul-centered entrepreneurs, artists, healers and empathic sensitive souls align with their Divine Blueprint, clear blocks, and put their gifts into empowered and joyful action. She has a particular affinity and understanding for those who are pursuing the arts, but she believes creative energy is the root of all manifesting and her processes speak to anyone who is seeking abundance and a more expanded experience of life in any form.
Connect with Jennifer on Social Media!

"Jennifer is a gifted intuitive guide who lit a pathway into my soul. Working with her allowed me to connect with my gifts and recommit to lighting the world on fire in a gentle, nourishing, authentic and sustainable way. I have attracted such amazing clients and opportunities since then. In fact, I was so impressed by her approach and story that I invited her to speak at my annual live event and she wowed the crowd big time.
Want to get closer to your truth … and get the courage to live it? Work with Jennifer. Your life will never be the same.”
- Jenny Fenig

"Jennifer. Changes. Lives. To say she is gifted is an understatement. Having never done energy work before, I went into it with an open, but skeptical mind. It was clear after my Akashic Record Reading just how amazing this is.
I've seen my professional and personal life transform due to the work she and I have done together. I trust Jennifer 100%.
This process helped take down some of my old, limiting beliefs and walls. I've been able to surrender and allow this powerful work to heal places that were so deeply hidden in me; places I vowed never to unearth. If you do one thing for yourself, give yourself the gift of working with Jennifer."
- Meghan Rose

"I was so impressed during our reading with both your intuitive abilities and the articulate way you conveyed the information. I've been helped many times since then by remembering some the gems you imparted. The reading was a beautiful, useful, and inspiring treasure."